Mikel Porras Hoogland

software engineer with a passion for design and music


Things I've worked on

The Cirqle

As Chief Architect at The Cirqle, I led the development and implementation of API’s, rolled out new products and optimized data storage and processing for the company’s performance marketing software that scales influencer ads across multiple social media platforms.

NodeJS, VueJS, API's, Heroku, AWS, PostgreSQL, Typescript
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As a software developer at 30MHz, I was instrumental in the creation of the company’s Angular-based dashboard and made ongoing contributions to various components including the Java-based API and Scala-based notifications service.

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After finishing my master’s degree in Industrial Design Engineering, kollekt.fm, a social music platform was born. As co-founder I was mainly responsible for the UX, design and front-end development. We were selected for the web and mobile batch of the Rockstart accelerator in ’15.

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Industrial Design

Although I currently focus on web-based products, my passion for product design didn’t stop after graduating. In my free time I design / build furniture and play around with Arduino’s, Raspberry Pi’s and LEDs.

Product design / solidworks / sketchup / arduino
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During my master’s I did an UX / Graphics internship at WhatsApp in Silicon Valley (Mountain View). Besides design work, I also helped develop an internal tracking tool for product features.

Design / UX / Javascript


In my free time I make music. Some of my tracks have been released on labels such as Atomnation and Get Physical Music. Currently I’m putting the finishing touches on a new album. Listen to me on Spotify or SoundCloud.

Ableton Live / Music producing


During my study I freelanced as a web design and developer. I worked on 20+ projects which helped me improve my design and development skills and more importantly on how to translate ideas into a working product.

Design / Development / Wordpress
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About me

Discovering the unknown and building the unbuilt. I love finding problems and creating solutions, from user-friendly interfaces to back-end code. In my free time I make furniture, lamps and music.

Some of the things I work with include: JavaScript, Angular, HTML5, CSS3, Sass/Less, NPM,  Git, JAVA, SCALA, REST APIs, Python, AWS, PHP, WordPress, Arduino and Raspberry PI.

Some of my favourite tools:

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